Wednesday, April 21, 2010

DJ Universe

There is a baby wailing so loudly on the bus I am starting to think it is:

a. more likely a retarded person mumbling
b. so loud it might as well be sitting on my lap

After a while I can't even pinpoint the direction the noise is coming from because it's everywhere. I turn around because I think maybe there is a chance it's behind me. Instead, I see a black-as-night Moroccan man digging for his boogers, finding them and then staring in awe. Literally. I take off my sunglasses and give him the grossest look I've got so he knows I'm blatantly staring at him in complete revulsion. He doesn't catch my eye, too busy examining his findings. I turn back around. Some new black-as-night men have entered the bus and are shouting in a foreign tongue. One is playing music from his mobile. My new pet peeve since living in Spain. People who think it is appropriate to blast music from their mobile phone in a confined space. All I can think is WHY didn't I buy new headphones yesterday instead of leaving it for this afternoon, because for the 4th time since I've been in Spain one of the headphone ears has stopped working making it physically impossible to block out this torturous track the Universal DJ has dealt me on todays life playlist.

I close my eyes and smile. It really is the bad tunes on your life soundtrack that make you appreciate the good ones. Can't wait to see what the Universe has in store for me next.

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