Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Apple Juice

I'm happy to announce the launch of my new blog "Apple Juice!" I will continue to write here for a bit longer, until I really feel like the transition from Spain to home is over, but start reading "Apple Juice" in the meantime! If you have any suggestions or tips on how I can improve it please let me know.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Spain, the economy and me

So there may be hope for Spain, the economy and me. This article talks about how BBVA and Santander might be two of Europe's healthiest banks after the EU publishes the results of "stress tests" in the upcoming weeks. I was excited to see this news especially since I am hoping to get an interview with BBVA next week!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Inspirational Quote #21

"There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again" - Margaret Elizabeth Sangster

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Leave it in Europe

Last night I had dinner with my cousin Alegra and her friend Gioia. I've always gotten along great with Alegra, she is very euro, Turkish father, grew up in London, loves to travel and appreciates everything european just like me. It had been about 6 years so we had a lot to catch up on, so why not have the big reunion at the mecca for europeans in New York: Ciprianis. I had been to the upstairs part of the downtown location a few times, but never for a "bite" to eat. It was obviously very expensive, but the food was great and the people watching even better. My big problem with going to euro venues like this in New York is that it's just not the same as the real thing...like yeah it's fun to be around cultured, older, wealthy suitors, hear different languages and people watch like crazy, but the european scene in New York is just so... eurotrash. I just can't take a lot of the people here seriously.

For example, I walked by the Nikki Beach in midtown Thursday night and accosted the bouncer. I was like, I LOVE NIKKI BEACH YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. But honestly how could this location even compare to the other ones when there is no beach! You can't create the same ambience without the sun, sand and sea. There is just something about bringing the great things about Europe to New York that just doesn't work for me. Maybe I will change my mind as I start to go to new places, but right now my feeling is, if I'm going to have a euro night, I wanna do it in Europe.

That being said, I'm very excited to hang out with Alegra, who is an international fashion consultant, and knows all the good people and spots in NYC, before she goes to Europe for the whole summer. Ugh, authentic euro life. Those were the days.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

There's no place like home

I've been home a full week. I guess you could say I've been on a serious high because the second that plane landed at JFK I haven't been able to stop smiling and telling everyone how happy I am. The amount of energy and passion for life I've been feeling this past week is unmeasurable, barely describable and hopefully repeatable. Coming back to an apartment filled with delicious homemade food, a brand new big bed, hot water and no Chinese roommates has just been heavenly.

In typical Schu fashion, I didn't waste any time seeing friends or getting my life setup. I met with a headhunter Thursday morning, less than 24 hours after arriving home, bags still completely packed, jetlag in full effect, and ended up getting a job offer from this particular headhunter to work for her! WOW! It was so exciting and just added to the enormous amount of confidence and passion for life I have right now I couldn't have planned it better myself. Friday night was "schUSA" aka "Party in the schUSA", aka my welcome home party, hosted by CB. It was such a blast. All of my friends came, one of whom surprised me with an adorable t-shirt with a giant picture of my face on the front, and "party in the schUSA on the back." I knew I was excited to see all of my friends, but I really can't describe what it felt like after months "alone" to have so many people around me who know me so well and who were excited to see me. It made me so excited to be back in a familiar, comfortable setting, but also to turn over a new leaf here as a young professional (hopefully).

It hasn't really been long enough for me to process the past 9 months and feel nostalgic and really reflect on my time there, but I have definitely noticed some major differences and ways I have been affected by this past year:

  1. I am SO patient. Literally when something goes wrong, the people around me are freaking out, screaming at each other, sweating, turning red, and I am totally calm. No pasa nada.
  2. I've forgotten how to take the subway. Why can't I swipe the metro card right the first time?
  3. Barnes & Nobles and Duane Reade are dreamy places that I walk around in for hours because I can't believe the AC capabilities along with the plethora of things they sell.
  4. I can relate to people I met in Malaga who have visited New York and talk about it as, "the center of the world."
  5. Grand Central is the meeting place for all good looking, corporate people in the tri-state area. Serious eye candy.
  6. I look forward to leaving and entering my building every day so I can hang out with my doorman and speak Spanish.
  7. New York is SO EXPENSIVE. Like I kind of am starting to miss the chino store where I was able to furnish my bedroom, kitchen and bathroom for 5euro.
  8. New York is SO OVERCROWDED. Last Saturday night every bar on the LES had a 30 person line to get in and NO AC!
So all in all it's been a pretty seamless transition. I've had a few interviews already, and started my Portuguese classes and joined the gym. I'm looking forward to spending more time with my friends and seeing my family next week for Father's Day. Also, after much encouragement from friends and family, I've decided to continue "blogging," but please never refer to me as a "blogger," it sounds really lame. "An Offshore Account" will eventually retire, and I will start a new blog about my life in New York. You can expect a similar writing style and posts, such as restaurant reviews and quotes, but slightly racier content...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Rock in Rio Madrid

This past weekend was the Rock in Rio concert in Madrid. Rock in Rio is a series of festivals held in Brazil and later in Portugal and Spain. I haven't been to Brazil yet, but Portugal and Spain are my two favorite countries (excluding USA), and I love a good rock concert, so this is pretty much the best possible idea for a concert.

I have a few friends who went this past weekend and they said it was so much fun. Rihanna was apparently a total knock out, sporting a fiery red bowl cut and a cone bra. Other big stars who performed were: Bon Jovi, Miley Cyrus, Shakira, Tiesto, John Mayer, David Guetta and Metallica. I think the next one will be held in 2012, anyone down to come with?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Things I'm currently enjoying...

in the homeland:
  1. One word: Bagels
  2. $20 manicure/pedicure at Nails & More
  3. Air conditioning...EVERYWHERE
  4. Tap water at restaurants
  5. High speed wireless internet
  6. Swiping a metrocard
more to come... along with profound, thoughtful reflections and conclusions...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

It's my goodbye and I'll cry if I want to

Its been a rough few days, yesterday in particular. Monday was my last day of work and I said goodbye to the rest of my students. Our goodbye was similar to our "hello" when we first met. In 3rd, 4th and 5th level they all asked for my John Hancock- "FIRMAME!!" I wrote them each a little note saying how much I enjoyed teaching them and good luck in the future, but all they were concerned with was my signature. So whether they still think I am BFF with Hannah Montana or that one day I will actually be famous myself, it was a sweet way to end the year.

Yesterday we had our goodbye lunch with the teachers. We ate at an outdoor restaurant in Torre del Mar called, "Las Americas." We had a typical Spanish lunch, plates of olives followed by shrimp, clams and anchivoes to start and then a massive pan of paella. I managed to have a pitcher of beer and some after meal shots which might have contributed to my emotional breakdown when it actually came time to say goodbye. The teachers gave the other auxiliar and I each a card that had been signed by all the teachers in the school and a beautiful wooden, hand painted fan. So Spanish. Love it. They taught me how to open it like a proper Andaluz. Super sexy. Can't wait to show it off at home.

After 3.5hrs, it was time to say goodbye. We all stood up and I just started balling. I didn't realize how much I would miss the teachers I worked with this year. We have become so close and I will miss seeing their smiling faces every day and sharing stories. I was pretty embarrassed, I couldn't even form sentences because I was choking back the tears. I think it just all of a sudden felt so real that I would be leaving the next day. Which is now today. My room is packed, my suitcases are extremely overweight and my flight gets in at 4pm to JFK. I had planned to write a really thoughtful conclusion and reflection on this year, but I have been so busy and nervous and anxious the past few days that I haven't thought of anything profound to say. See you in the states...

Above: Me in 3rd grade
Above: Me and Choni, the Music and English teacher, at lunch
Above: Me and Elo, the third grade Science and English teacher, at lunch
Above: the whole group
Above: traditional paella lunch

Above: My demise ?