Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lost in translation

I was walking around Corte Ingles the other day when I came across this t-shirt. I'm sorry but SERIOUSLY? I cannot believe in this day and age a company cannot hire or consult a bilingual person when designing graphic t-shirts. Also, even if this was gramatically correct what are they trying to say to begin with: "I'm such a golden girl?" or "Girl, I'm gold" or "I'm so golden" ?!?!?! Something has been very lost in translation..."I'm such gold girl company", can you please hire me to do translation work? It will put an end to your ignorance and embarrassment and I could really use the extra dinero.

To go along with this theme, I remember in middle school the Abercrombie graphic Ts with Chinese writing were all the rage, not that any of us spoke or understood Chinese. I definitely had one or two and bought them because I thought the writing looked cool. For all I knew it could have said something really perverted or innappropriate, but I along with my friends still bought them and wore them with pleasure. Emily took the picture on the left while she was in Cambodia working in an orphanage. When Emily asked him why he bought this t-shirt, he said it was because he likes the color green. My first thought was my middle school Abercrombie t-shirts and how I could have been innocently walking around at age 12 with something easily just as embarrassing. Well at least it makes sense grammatically...

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