Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Rodizio is my new favorite restaurant concept. While I am sure there are tons of locations in New York City I had never experienced this great Braizilian cuisine until this past Saturday when my friends and I went to a restaurant in Plaza Mayor. A few of them had been before and told me of its holiness, "a guy comes around with different meat on a stick and you can eat as much as you want." So it was essentially a €9 all you can eat meat buffet. Gulp. Since it was 5pm the restuarnt was about to close, but we begged them to let us squeeze in this precious meal. We got up to serve ourselves from the buffet of salad, rice and beans. Then we waited hungrily for the meat to appear. Suddenly the man appeared with the first giant skewer of meat. Pollo (chicken). Luego el pollo con bacín (chicken with bacon). Después, ternera (veal), cerdo (pork), cordero (lamb), y chorizo (saussage). This incredible meal was followed by a serious food coma but it was so worth it and will definitely be happening again in the near future.


  1. Hija, en algunas churrascarias, clientes tienen una tarjeta en la mesa- un lado verde si quieren mas carne, otro lado verde si no quieren mas cane. Evidentamente su tarjeta era verde para mucho tiempo. :-)
    Mucho amor, Papa

  2. Hija, en algunas churrascarias, clientes tienen una tarjeta en la mesa- un lado verde si quieren mas carne, otro lado rojo si no quieren mas cane. Evidentamente su tarjeta era verde para mucho tiempo. :-)
    Mucho amor, Papa
