Monday, May 24, 2010


Packing, or unpacking, which is worse? I think unpacking is probably worse because you always end up with more things than you started with so you have to make new room in your closet, at the same time you can´t seem to find that one sweater or necklace or special face cream, but you´re convinced you didn´t leave it behind, and on top of it all you have to do a huge load of laundry. Right now packing is seeming worse though... I don´t want to leave it to the last minute, but taking down all of the pictures and postcards in my room would make this whole process seem way to real as well as super lonely this last week without familiar faces all around me. Even though there are only 7 days left somehow I think I need to keep all ten pairs of shoes out just in case I want to wear all of them. I have 2 huge suitcases on wheels, a smaller suitcase on wheels and a large carry-on. I´m hoping to be able to consolidate everything into the 2 large bags on wheels to avoid an aggressive charge for a 3rd bag, but with all of the new shoes and dresses I´ve bought recently, that might be impossible...

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